More Kunst Museums!

It feels like we've been here over a week already, but it's only been a few days!
Our first stop was the Museum for Kunst und Gewerbe, the biggest of the three art museums we visited today. It not only offered exhibits featuring ancient art from Egypt, Prussia, Greece, Japan, and other European and Asian countries, but had a brimming collection of modern artwork.

Some of the more contemporary displays included furniture, textiles, and ceramics from the art nouveau movement, as well as an installation for a feminist group called the Guerrilla Girls. The GG's are an anonymous group of female artists dedicated to opposing racism and sexism, particularly within the art community. Their work is rebellious and provocative as they bring to light thought-provoking statistics regarding the constant dismissal and degradation of women and people of color in the art world.

After spending a few hours at Gewerbe, we decided to venture over to Kunstverein and Deichtorhallen where I took some time to watch an educational video on the gingko tree (and grab a few dried gingko nuts)! It's one of my favorite plants, and I was surprised to learn that they're dioecious, which means they have both male and female trees. They also take anywhere from two to three decades to grow before they begin bearing fruit. Fascinating!

We also walked through a collection of abstract, minimalist paintings which were both large in scale and very finely detailed.

Thinking about Ginkgos and Guerrilla Girls,

Eli Goodwin


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